A new Halifax bomber memorial is in the works in North Lincolnshire.
Planning permission has been sought to erect a small monument or memorial of a Halifax II Bomber in Kirton in Lindsey. It is proposed on land south of 1 Spa Hill.
The applicant, Tony Bartlett, was behind another monument in the town area in 2021. He designed the ‘Chirchetone’ monument at Traingate, which has a sculpture of a farmer with an old potato plough, and a plaque below referring to the town’s ancient name.
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This was supported by £10,000 of North Lincolnshire Council community grant cash. A similar grant has been sought for the bomber memorial, and is subject to it getting planning permission. Read on below for recent North Lincolnshire planning applications, including a market cross that attracts visitors from around the world.
Halifax bomber memorial
The location of the memorial is unused open space, with grass. The town council have supported the project, including organisation of a fundraising buffet at the town hall. Kirton in Lindsey Society has been managing the fundraising.
The memorial is proposed as 2.3m wide by 0.9m tall. There would also be a stainless steel plane sculpture of 800mm wingspan. A flower bed, to be changed biannually, is proposed around it.
It is intended to mark an important event in the town’s history. Handley Page Halifax II planes along with Lancasters shared the burden of Bomber Command’s night-bombing campaigns against Nazi Germany in World War Two. They were also used in other duties including general reconnaisance in Coastal Command.
A Halifax II crashed into a house in Kirton in Lindsey near the proposed memorial during the Second World War. The town featured an active Ministry of Defence base for many years, and RAF Kirton in Lindsey was a fighter command station during the Battle of Britain.

(Image: North Lincolnshire Council planning portal)
Scunthorpe United solar panels
North Lincolnshire Council have applied to check if prior approval is needed for solar panels at Glanford Park, Scunthorpe, home of The Iron. There are 315 solar photovoltaic (PV) panels proposed, with 138.6 kWp.
The solar panels would be on the western stand’s roof. The council has previously secured approval for solar panels at Ashby Hub, North Lincolnshire Museum, Normanby Gateway and Baths Hall, enabled by government Towns Fund cash.
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Epworth market cross
Epworth Town Council has sought permission to spruce up its market cross. The Grade II listed structure was reset in 1806, when Napoleon roamed across mainland Europe, but dates back further to medieval times.
The proposed refurbishment will involve vegetation removal, pointing of the monument, cleaning the pavement around it, and a low pressure high temperature steam cleaner to clean the monument itself. The latter is on the recommendation of North Lincolnshire Council’s conservation officer.
The application details the cross’s fame. “The proposal will help to maintain the Market Cross, which as a result of it being a site from which John Wesley preached in the past attracts tourists from all over the world.” The founder of Methodism was born in the town, and preached from the steps of the cross.
Finally, a storage building in Scawby will be getting an extension to hold more potatoes. The 31 by 38m extension, with ridge height of 12.15m, was sought by Bennett Potatoes Ltd. An application document details that it supplies a wide variety of potatoes of different sizes to the catering, wholesale and export markets, as well as fresh produce for retailers.
The extension will not increase current operations, but will increase storage space, allowing for optimal timing of sales.
Original artice: https://www.grimsbytelegraph.co.uk/all-about/scunthorpe