ABP submits automotive storage plans for Stallingborough Interchange site

Plans have been submitted by Associated British Ports (ABP) for the expansion of its Stallinborough Interchange site to accommodate new automotive open storage.

The ports operator wants to develop about 96 acres of the 227.5-acre site, otherwise known as Pioneer Business Park, which it purchased the freehold of in December 2023. An outline application has been submitted to North East Lincolnshire Council including 70 acres of automotive storage along with proposals for green landscaping areas and ground mounted solar panels that could provide energy to the development.

ABP intends the facility to be used by new and existing customers of the Ports of Immingham and Grimsby. The plans include 129,000 sqft of floor space and associated buildings and infrastructure. It is hoped work can start next year on the scheme.

Andrew Dawes, regional director of the Humber ports said: “This strategic investment in the growth of our Humber ports continues to ensure we maintain a leading position in the port sector. Supporting our customers expansion is also critical as it assists the investment in the region for jobs. Demand is expected to increase for energy generation, automotive storage, bulk warehousing, and storage and distribution uses and this new site will ensure the delivery of state-of-the-art infrastructure, facilities, and technological innovation for new and existing customers.”

Greg Lacey, head of property (Humber) for ABP, said: “A year after the purchase of what is such a significant investment site, we bring to fruition our shared ambition to create a major UK port logistics development. This is part of the wider Stallingborough development that will deliver up to a further 1.5million sqft of industrial and manufacturing space across the remainder of the site that benefits from an existing planning consent.

“The site is one of the largest development land parcels in such proximity to the ports, and of significant scale versus wider opportunities in the Yorkshire region. The sizeable investment we made in this shows ABP is a key player in supporting the growth of commercial activities within the region.”

Original artice – https://business-live.co.uk/all-about/yorkshire-humber

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