The public are being asked to have their say on a scheme that aims to raise housing standards in Scunthorpe.
A selective licensing scheme is proposed to cover parts of Crosby & Park, Town, and Frodingham wards. It would mean in those areas landlords have to be licensed. This will require them to maintain high standards to keep their tenants safe, warm and secure, or face hefty fines.
The licensing scheme would be in place by August. North Lincolnshire Council have been down the road of introducing selective licensing before. Last time, the council pulled back from it to try a voluntary alternative.
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Too few private landlords took it up, resulting in the decision to pursue a selective licensing scheme. North Lincolnshire Council leader Cllr Rob Waltham said: “It is not fair that homeowners who have lived in communities for generations that keep their homes and gardens clean and tidy must suffer because of a small number of landlords and tenants.
“This scheme will enable us to put in place extra enforcement officers who will go around and hold landlords – and their tenants – who clearly do not care, to account.” It is designed to improve housing conditions, reduce anti-social behaviour and would extra empower the council to target criminal landlords, too.
The public can have their say on the proposed scheme until midnight on April 22, via the link here. The proposed scheme would involve two areas of Scunthorpe, covering more than 3,000 households and 8,000 people.
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Area one includes parts of the Crosby & Park and Town wards, and comprises high density housing. Frodingham Road, Normanby Road, West Street, Burke Street, Old Crosby, and Diana Street are among the roads that would be included.
The second smaller area would involve part of Frodingham Ward, just south of Scunthorpe train station. Rowland Road, Neville Road and Cliff Street would be among the roads included. When the plans for the selective licensing scheme first emerged, opposition Labour councillors for the affected wards called in the decision to get more information.
The two proposed selective licensing areas have been put forward because they have a high proportion of private rented housing. Fifty-five per cent of homes in area one are private rented, compared to a North Lincolnshire-wide average of 17 per cent.

(Image: North Lincolnshire Council / Crown copyright)
A total of 1,505 private sector rented properties would be covered. There are also near 200 suspected or non-licenced houses in multiple occupation (HMOs). Deputy council leader Cllr Richard Hannigan said: “The vast majority of local landlords are providing safe, decent homes but we know there are small number of people who do not maintain the standards expected.
“We believe selective licensing will enable us to target the areas where there is poor quality and badly-managed accommodation. It will help us address anti-social behaviour and raise standards by forcing rogue landlords and bad tenants to be responsible.”
“We have not wanted to go down this route,” he admitted, but it was felt it would enable the council to protect residents and enhance the community. “We also want to make sure that everyone who has a stake in this has had their say so we have launched this consultation to capture everyone’s views.”

(Image: North Lincolnshire Council / Crown copyright)
Selective licensing conditions cover elements such as overcrowding, heating and making the property safe. It ensures homes have essential safety measures installed, like alarms and emergency lighting. The council would be able to ask for evidence landlords are suitable to hold a licence.
Landlords would also be required to sort out waste and anti-social behaviour associated with properties. If the consultation does not prompt a rethink in spring, the licensing scheme will begin in August.
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