Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner Keith Hunter has marked his first week in office by launching two major funding streams for 2016/17.
As part of his wider role, Mr Hunter has responsibility for commissioning services to improve community safety and supporting victims of crime. Over half a million pounds is being made available from today for organisations to apply for funding. The money will be split between two streams.
The Community Safety Fund is open until 30th September for the Commissioners’ criminal justice and community safety partners, including organisations such as Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs), Youth Offending Teams (YOTs), Humberside Criminal Justice Board (HCJB), Health and Wellbeing partners and Local Safeguarding Boards. It may also include some larger national charities who may have particular innovative ideas about how to deliver safer communities across the Humber region.
The Victims’ Fund is open until 28th October and aims to provide financial assistance to specialist support services to enable them to meet the needs of victims of crime and help them to cope and recover from their experience.
In addition, the Commissioner’s Crime Reduction Fund launched in 2014 will continue under Mr Hunter. Community groups, particularly smaller organisations such as Neighbourhood Watch and residents’ associations can apply for funding for projects to reduce crime and improve safety.
All three funds will be reviewed by the Commissioner later in the year as he develops his future plans.
Keith said: “As Police and Crime Commissioner I will seek to make a real difference to reducing crime but the responsibility for that does not lay solely with the police. It’s better to build safer communities than deal with the aftermath of crime and that needs true partnership. These funds will give other organisations in community safety and justice the opportunity to work with me to build some sustainable plans to make us all feel safer.
Victims of crime deserve the right response and support to help them move on with their lives, I look forward to reading the applications for both of these funds and interested parties can find out more on my website HERE ”
Posted on Friday 20th May 2016