Equestrian and kickboxing plan for Winterton former farm site knocked back

Change of use of a former farm site to equestrian lessons and a kickboxing club has been kicked back due to a lack of information.

Located in Holmes Lane, near Winterton, two applications were made to confirm change of use to an equestrian centre and, in one barn, a kickboxing club. These followed a complaint made last year that change of use permission was required.

Both applications have been refused on insufficient information grounds. The kickboxing application was deemed to not adequately demonstrate that open countryside was the only appropriate location. A lack of traffic information, and more clarity on the grazing land for each horse, led to the equestrian centre’s rejection.


The site has been rented out as an equestrian centre since November 2018, and has created five full-time and six part-time jobs. It sold off before that year from being tied to the adjacent Sandhall Farm. Due to the large number of barns, one was converted into a sports facility for North Lincs Kickboxing Club.

“The equestrian centre is a popular venue, regularly in use and is also used by children with problem schooling,” the application by H&H Equestrian Services Ltd stated. It ran from 8am to 10pm, and housed 20 working horses in numerous barns.

“They have a rotated six hour access to a total of 2.4 hectares of grazing land,” the application stated, as well as access to bridal paths and lanes. However, the council’s planning officers were not satisfied enough information showed it in line with planning policy. This requires each horse to have a minimum 0.6 hectares of grazing land.

It was also refused because of no floor plans for buildings included in the change of use application, and no assessment of the cumulative impact on traffic. The kickboxing club has operated for two hours in the evening, Monday to Fridays. This development was considered “unacceptable within this application” due to insufficient information showing it could not be in a built-up area, rather than open countryside.

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