A Scunthorpe United fan who threw missiles and fireworks onto the pitch at Glanford Park, a criminal sent straight back to prison after he failed to comply with his supervision requirements and a whole host of driving offenders have appeared at Grimsby Magistrates’ Court in recent days.
While some cases were dismissed altogether and others adjourned to be tried at a later date, magistrates still did not hesitate in handing out football banning orders, driving bans and hefty fines.
Here are ten offenders who appeared before magistrates in Grimsby last week.
Corey Renno, 20, of Kingston Road, Scunthorpe admitted throwing a missile onto the football pitch at Glanford Park, possessing a firework at a sporting event, going onto the pitch without permission and throwing a pyrotechnic onto the football pitch. He was handed a five-year football banning order, made to carry out 180 years of unpaid work, and charged a victim services surcharge of £114 and costs of £85.
Bryony Kilbee, 23, of Sturton Villas, Scawby was found guilty of two counts of failing to provide information about the driver of a vehicle who was alleged to have been guilty of an offence. She was disqualified from driving for six months, handed six points on her licence, fined £1,320 and charged a victim services surcharge of £528 and costs of £110.

(Image: Donna Clifford/GrimsbyLive)
William Wright, 23, of Burnham Road, Epworth was found guilty through the Single Justice Procedure of driving without insurance. He was disqualified from driving for six months, fined £660, ordered to pay a victim services surcharge of £264 and costs of £110.
Bradley Wells, 24, of River View, Barton upon Humber was imprisoned for seven days after he admitted to failing to comply with the supervision requirements imposed upon him following his release from imprisonment by not attending appointments.
Mihaita Serban, 29, of Fox Street, Scunthorpe was found guilty of driving without due care and attention. He was disqualified from driving for 21 days, fined £350, ordered to pay costs of £110 and a victim services surcharge of £35.
Christopher Ratcliffe, 35, of Mayfield Terrace, Immingham admitted driving without insurance. He was handed six points on his licence, fined £120, ordered to pay costs of £110 and a victim services surcharge of £48.

(Image: Donna Clifford/GrimsbyLive)
Adam Fieldson, 38, of Ermine Street, Broughton admitted to driving over the speed limit on two occasions. He was handed three points on his licence, fined £246, ordered to pay costs of £110 and a victim services surcharge of £98.
Andrew Lill, 58, of Pershore Avenue, Grimsby was found guilty of failing to supply income and employment details for Council Tax purposes. He was fined £220, ordered to pay costs of £200 and a victim services surcharge of £88.
Jordan Britton, 23, of Millview Caravan Park, Brigg admitted breaching the requirements of a community order by failing to attend unpaid work sessions. He was fined £100.
Mark Smith, 40, of Duke Street, Grimsby admitted breaching the supervision requirements imposed upon him following his release from imprisonment by failing to attend appointments. He was fined £80.
Original artice: https://www.grimsbytelegraph.co.uk/all-about/scunthorpe