A young Scunthorpe girl has been raising money for the hospital that looked after her brother by selling cakes and treats.
Esme Whitaker, 10, spent her half term selling the baked goods to raise a total of £1,070 for Sheffield Children’s Hospital. The South Yorkshire Hospital was chosen for its great work with younger brother Eddie, 5. At just three weeks old, Eddie experienced kidney failure and ended up contracting sepsis.
Originally being treated in Scunthorpe, he was moved to Sheffield where he was given the treatment he needed. Thankfully, Eddie has now been discharged and only returns for check ups and scans. However, after all their help, Esme wanted to go one step further to say thank you.
Mum Lisa Haggart said: “Before Eddie was born, Esme had done fundraising for various charities, but after everything he’s been through she chose to raise money for Sheffield Children’s Hospital.”
She added: “At three weeks old, Eddie was diagnosed with kidney failure and sepsis. Esme often came to the hospital to see him and said how lovely the place was with its bright colours and friendly staff.

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While watching a programme on television where people were awarded for their bravery, Esme came racing downstairs to tell her mum her new idea. She decided there and then she wanted to bake cakes for the hospital and the next day she started advertising them online.
Lisa added: “She wants to do this to say thank you as well for the amazing care the staff gave Eddie whilst he was in their care. It was like a different world there, everything is just brilliant. When Esme told me what she wanted to do I was both happy and proud of her.
“For a 10-year-old to want to do that was just lovely to hear and see.” After coming up with the plan, Esme spent 15 days baking and selling cakes to anyone she could to raise the money. After the most recent count, Esme has raised a fantastic £1,070. However, she isn’t stopping there.

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“Her plan is to open a bakery when she’s older,” said Lisa. “She will keep doing this as a way to help people, but also to get herself out there and get some practice in. She’s already got a name for the business and everything, she’s determined to make it happen.”
When he was younger, Eddie couldn’t say Esme and instead called his sister ‘Mimi’, which she will incorporate into her future bakery, calling it Mimi’s Magical Creations. “She knows it won’t be easy to get it set up and going, but she’ll keep at it to help people and improve her skills.”
Original artice: https://www.grimsbytelegraph.co.uk/all-about/scunthorpe