Grimsby girl who cried her eyes out when barred from seeing Take That is now starring in Greatest Days

She was only two-and-a-half when she declared she was going to be an actress on the stage.

Now with a son who is almost the same age, Rachel Marwood, from Grimsby, is doing exactly what her toddler self declared, with a career in acting she adores and a current role in the touring musical Greatest Days, which opens in Hull later this month.

The show takes Rachel right back to her schooldays in Grimsby, when she was a huge fan of Take That. She said: “I really wanted to go and see them but my parents were quite strict.


“It came out in a paper that the show was quite rude – they took their tops off or showed their bums or something – and they said I couldn’t go. I cried my eyes out.

“This is my reward for not being able to go and see them,” said Rachel, who plays the role of grown-up super-fan Heather in the show, which features more than 15 chart-topping Take That songs, alongside a heart-warming and hilarious story of love, loss and laughter.

Written by Tim Firth, the musical follows a group of boy band-obsessed best friends – including Heather – in the 1990s, who reunite more than 20 years later to see their heartthrobs one last time in what could be the Greatest Day of their life. “Our boys who play the boy band do this amazing medley of songs and us older ones got to sit out and watch them do it.

“The four of us were screaming, you would have thought we were at a concert.” Rachel said the tour, which has been on the road since May and arrives at Hull New Theatre for a run from October 30, is the ultimate feel-good show, with audiences up on their feet, singing and dancing, by the end of every performance.

Production shot of Greatest Days - a feel-good musical that is coming to Hull
Greatest Days – a feel-good musical that is coming to Hull

“It’s so much fun. I was a Take That fan from the age of ten, I really was that girl singing into her hairbrush in the mirror. When the show came up and I read for the part I thought, my god, this is me.

“Heather is very sassy and she sometimes takes a joke a bit too far, which I can also relate to.” Rachel said all the cast have really hit it off, despite the age gap between some of the performers.

“We’re in different digs every week. I’m touring with my partner and toddler and last week we were sharing digs with Kitty, who plays my younger self. It’s been so lovely.

“There’s a moment in the show where our younger selves come and sit with us when we’re singing and it’s really beautiful. I remember back in rehearsals the four of us older ones, and our understudies, were all bawling our eyes out.”

When Rachel was growing up in 1980s Grimsby, there was no theatre in the town but she honed her dramatic skills at Caxton Youth Theatre, a group for young people interested in acting, theatre and backstage work.

She had already made that declaration as a two-year-old – “my family were like, oh god, what, where has she got this from?” – and also dragged her younger brother in as backing dancer for her living room performances for the grandparents. At the age of five, while attending Yarborough Infant School, Rachel landed the role of Snow White in the school play.

“Apparently I just grabbed the microphone and started singing a solo. There was no solo, but I started singing anyway.”

After Hereford School, where she played a part in a musical called Carrots, then Toll Bar Academy (and Caxton), Rachel went on to Birmingham School of Acting.

“I started singing at a young age,” she said. “At 14 I got a job as a Blues Brothers backing singer with a local band. I might have fibbed and told them I was 18.

“They hired me to do parties and working men’s clubs. I had a solo act from being 16. I played all the clubs, including Hull, before I went to drama school, and it really helped me strengthen my skills.

“We didn’t have loads of money growing up and I needed to work to save for my training. I earned a bit more than maybe I would have done working at the front of TopShop.”

Rachel, who now lives in Manchester, comes back to Grimsby to catch up with family, though her parents have more recently relocated to Scarborough. “My school friends are coming to see me in the show in Hull, although they couldn’t wait and came to see me in Sheffield first.”

Greatest Days celebrates the 30th anniversary of Take That’s first ever UK number 1 single Pray and also coincides with this summer’s release of the official movie of the musical. Tickets are on sale now at Hull City Hall box office – call 01482 300 306 or visit hulltheatres.co.uk to book online.

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