Grimsby street’s incredible Christmas lights being switched on

You can’t beat a street on Grimsby’s Willows estate for Christmas lights – or maybe you could try and also help raise cash for charity.

Tracey and Martin Connolly have inspired fellow residents in Grasby Crescent to decorate their homes and gardens into a spectacular winter wonderland.

Thousands of people flock to the crescent each year to admire the immense number of lights.


They also support the devoted couple in their appeal to raise money for St Andrew’s Hospice. Martin uses every spare minute out of his work and family schedule to decorate his home in thousands of lights. Tracey and Martin take a big hit with their electricity bill, but know it is all for a great cause.

Neighbours in Grasby Crescent have followed their shining example and are also lighting up their fronts.

They are gearing up for a grand switch-on from 5pm on Saturday, November 25. That is thanks to Truck Links HGV transport manager, Martin, who has battled against windy weather and rain storms to get his lights up. Some mornings he was up a ladder at 6.30am before dawn. He said: “It was like putting up lights in Braille. We have been a bit behind with the weather this year, but it will all get done on time.

“Some of the neighbours are starting to put theirs up too, so the whole street will look stunning. It is good that they make the effort. I don’t think there is a street in town that does as much as Grasby Crescent. They make an effort up Wingate too which looks good.” Martin has included two new exciting displays this year.

East Coast Elite Band will perform at the opening and they are hoping lots of people will attend and help boost the cash for charity.

“We did not make that much last year because Great Coates Road and Littlecoates Road were shut for so long and the weather was bad. Anything is better than nothing but last year we presented £1,500 to St Andrew’s and the year before in 2021 we raised £4,500. We are hoping we can beat that,” Martin added.

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