• Rob Bray
    Friday, 12:00 - 14:00
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Honouring our heroes

Posted: Thursday 7th November 2013

Blog: 2013

poppiesThis Sunday, like many of you, I will be attending a Remembrance Day service, giving thanks for those who gave their lives in the service of their country for our freedom.

It takes a special kind of person to put themselves at personal risk to keep others safe. It’s probably something we would all do if we were faced with a threat to our own loved ones or close friends, but those who have chosen to protect our country and our communities every day are worthy of special praise. I believe every one of us has a civic duty to protect our neighbours and communities, and in this past year as your Police and Crime Commissioner, I have had the opportunity to spend a great deal of time with our police officers and PCSO’s, to learn more about their roles, see them in action, hear their experiences, and understand what makes them tick. Policing is one of the last remaining true vocations. It’s not just a job, it’s a desire to serve and protect the public, sometimes at great personal risk.

I was recently shown the Humberside Police roll of honour, and discovered that during World War Two, eighteen officers were killed in air raids in Hull, the East Riding and Grimsby, including six officers killed or fatally injured on duty in one devastating 1943 night in Grimsby and Cleethorpes, their sacrifice on behalf of the public will not be forgotten. To view the Humberside Police Roll of Honour CLICK HERE

That desire to serve extends right across society, not just in the armed forces and emergency services. I am constantly meeting organisations and individuals who are working to improve people’s lives, to help victims, to make a difference, however small it may be. Why do they do it? It’s because they care, and want to stand up for what’s right. They are part of a big team, and it’s getting bigger. We are living in challenging times, and our history shows us that when we are faced with adversity, we rise to the challenge and work hard to get ourselves back on our feet again. We won’t be beaten by bullies and thugs who seek to intimidate us, steal from us, and make us afraid to walk outside our own front door.

This Remembrance Day, let us honour our fallen and injured soldiers from wars both long ago and recent, by ensuring we make this country fit for heroes, where the actions of criminals are confronted and condemned by us all. Let’s all pull together and build that big team to defeat crime in the same way our country defeated our enemies in the past.
