I tested homemade mulled wine against Tesco, Lidl and Morrisons brands and found a clear winner

There is nothing like the scent of mulled wine in the air to take me straight back to Germany’s Christmas markets, a wonderful trip I made many moons ago with family members and friends who all happened to be pairs of sisters.

It was the most Christmassy thing I have ever experienced – snow on the mountain tops, fresh Christmas trees being delivered door-to-door, amazing displays of white fairy lights and candle bridges in every window, all reflected by the stunning waters of the Rhine. And more mugs of Gluhwein than you could shake a Bratwurst at in the myriad festive markets we visited.

It was my first introduction to hot spiced wine and my love for it has not waned since. I tend to buy a few ready-made bottles of mulled wine to see us through the festive season – I’ll start around Halloween if it’s cold enough to warrant sticking a pan of it on – but this year I decided to have a crack at making my own from scratch, as well as giving serious consideration to some supermarket varieties, rather than just heating the contents and necking it.


For the home-made variety, I went with a recipe from Nigella. I checked out plenty of other options, but some were a bit faffy, called for quite a list of ingredients and, horror of horrors, added water to the mix. Presumably this makes the drink go further when entertaining a bit of a Christmas crowd; I wasn’t.

Read on to find out what I thought of my own “vin chaud” effort – that’s what Nigella calls it in her Nigella Christmas book – and three shop-bought bottles of the stuff.

Glasses of mulled wine or "vin chaud", the recipe taken from the Nigella Christmas cookbook
Glasses of mulled wine or “vin chaud”, the recipe taken from the Nigella Christmas cookbook

Nigella’s “Vin Chaud”

What you will need:

  • 1 x 75cl bottle good robust red wine, such as Beaujolais
  • 4 cinnamon sticks
  • 1 x 13cm curl orange zest, shaved off an orange with a vegetable peeler
  • 75g sugar
  • 1 star anise
  • 5 whole cloves
  • 80ml cognac

I bought a bottle of Bordeaux (£5.29 for 75cl, 12%) and a net of large oranges (£1.69/42p per orange), both from Lidl, and Schwartz cinnamon sticks (£2.15), from Morrisons. I had the other ingredients already but if you needed to invest in the essential spices you can get Tesco’s own whole cloves and star anise for £1 per jar, for example.

I also had an almost-drunk bottle of French brandy at the back of the cupboard to satisfy the need for “cognac”. As for the zest, I tried and failed with a “curl” but hacked off about four bits of orange.

Basically, everything goes into a saucepan and you heat it up to an almost-boil. You then let it simmer gently until the sugar dissolves; then it’s ready.

This was a really deep blood-red, full-bodied drink that was smooth on first sipping but then had a real kick to it, with a spicy warmth you could then track all the way down to your solar plexus. You could detect the individual spices, and even the hint of orange, and it left a nice aftertaste in the mouth.

A selection of supermarket mulled wine on trial
A selection of supermarket mulled wine on trial

One thing Nigella recommends if making this ahead is to remove the cloves as their flavour will overpower the drink. I should have taken heed and scooped these potent little flower buds out of the pan, which I’d left on a low light, as the taste was definitely all clove by the second glass, so much so it coated your tongue and teeth.

I loved the authentic and very festive flavours of this version, however. It was simple to prepare and even easier to drink. Yes, there is the outlay for a “decent” bottle of red to factor in but the price of the other items is negligible when you realise how far the star anise and in particular the cloves will go. You could also leave out the cognac to reduce costs and I reckon this would still be a very warming and inviting drink.


Christkindl Gluhwein, Lidl (£5.99 for 1L, 8.7%)

This “spiced and ready to drink” product is made with red wine and extracts of clove, cinnamon, orange and lemon peel. It’s label alone was a lovely reminder of those German markets; it had a good, deep colour, the spice and citrus flavours were all apparent and it was a very palatable and pleasant drink – not as “heavy” as home-made but ever-so-slightly too sweet to my taste – but remember, the price is for one litre, which adds to the value.


“Vineyards” Mulled Wine, Tesco (£3 for 75cl, 5%)

I could smell the spices while this was warming, more than taste them. The label says “sweet and fruity” and that’s more what I was experiencing, almost a hot fruit “squash”. This mulled wine tastes more watered-down; it’s not unpleasant but needs something to give it a bit more of a hit. Adding some sliced lemons or oranges and a drop of brandy would probably lift this; as it is, it’s cheap and cheerful.


“The Best” Mulled Wine, Morrisons (£4.50 for 75cl, 9%)

The aroma of this product was slightly off-putting while it was warming. I couldn’t put my finger on why, but there was a too-acidic note to it. Described on the bottle as “delicately sweet”, it was actually the sweetest of all the mulled wines I tried, and not to my taste at all. An ideal food match on the label suggests a rich fruit cake or strong cheeses, so maybe this is where I was going wrong, as I was just drinking it on its own. I really thought I was going to like this one, from its description, but sadly it disappointed, though of course someone else may love it.


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