It has been an expensive few days for drivers who fell foul of the law. One was even handed a six-month ban when he appeared before magistrates in Grimsby.
Other cases to be heard included a thief who stole jewellery worth hundreds from a Grimsby branch of Marks & Spencer – before failing to comply with the requirements of his punishment. Here are ten people who have appeared at the magistrates court in Grimsby in the past week.
Paul Mathias, 45, of no fixed abode, was handed a rehabilitation activity requirement after failing to comply with the requirements of a community order. He was originally handed the order after he stole £212 of jewellery from Marks and Spencer in Grimsby.
Mantas Bumbulis, 25, of Chapel Court, Scunthorpe, pleaded guilty through the single justice procedure to driving while using a mobile phone and driving without insurance. He was disqualified from driving for six months, fined £120, and ordered to pay costs of £110 and a victim services surcharge of £48.
Deborah Smith, 26, of South Street, Alford, pleaded guilty through the single justice procedure to driving at 87mph on the M180. She was disqualified from driving for six months, fined £115, and ordered to pay costs of £110 and a victim services surcharge of £46.
Emma Mills, 41, of Franklin Mews, Barton-upon-Humber, pleaded guilty to driving at a speed of 88mph when the speed limit was 70mph. She was handed three points on her licence, fined £128, and ordered to pay costs of £110 and a victim services surcharge of £51.
Jason Raw, 52, of Ainslie Street, Grimsby, pleaded guilty to driving at a speed of 79mph when the speed limit was 70mph. He was handed three points on his licence, fined £200, and ordered to pay costs of £110 and a victim services surcharge of £80.
Jade Welch, 32, of Taunton Way, Grimsby, pleaded guilty to keeping a vehicle that was unlicensed. She was fined £100, and ordered to pay costs of £85 and a vehicle excise back duty of £15.
Ashley Wain-Dickinson, 32, of Whimbrell Chase, Scunthorpe, pleaded guilty to driving whilst using a mobile phone. He was disqualified from driving for seven days, fined £40, and ordered to pay costs of £40 and a victim services surcharge of £16.
Nelson Blyth, 26, of Gilbey Road, Grimsby, admitted failing to comply with the requirements of a community order by not attending rehabilitation activity requirement appointments. He was fined £50.
Damien Baker-Revell, 29, of Healey Road, Scunthorpe, admitted failing to comply with the supervision requirements imposed following his release from imprisonment by not attending appointments with the Probation Service. He was fined £40.
Dale Page, 34, of Scott Close, Grimsby, admitted failing to comply with the requirements of a community order by not attending appointments with the Probation Service. He was given a new and varied rehabilitation activity requirement. Read the latest court news from Grimsby Live.
Original artice: https://www.grimsbytelegraph.co.uk/all-about/scunthorpe