New plan for major North Lincolnshire development no longer includes homes but still has medical centre

A revised application has been made for a mixed-use development in Epworth, which would include a new, modern health centre.

An application was made last year to North Lincolnshire Council for more than 60 homes, a supermarket, health centre, charity store and replacement garden centre at Epworth garden centre. It received a mixed reception from the public. It was withdrawn in October.

Millea Land and Yelcon Ltd, part of the Scotfield Group, and Camstead Ltd, have returned with a revised, smaller scale scheme. There are no homes, or charity store sought.

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Instead, it now comprises demolition and replacement of the existing garden centre, and a supermarket and the health centre. There is also an area allocated for outdoor education, close to a public footpath.

The new scheme results in reduced traffic generation, no harm to heritage assets, the delivery of improved sewers and no overlooking. The proposed development will take place on predominantly brownfield land, within town boundaries.

Millea Land and Yelcon Ltd contend it will still offer a significant economic boost and create potentially 100 local jobs. The application document indicates the garden centre currently employs 28 people. The development, if approved, would directly employ 75 people.

Jonathan Millea of Millea Land commented: “These plans are the result of listening to lots of feedback from the Council, residents and stakeholders and we believe that they offer massive benefits to the local area.”

The inclusion of the new medical centre follows discussions with the local NHS. The developer has secured support from South Axholme Practice for a dedicated health facility on the site. GP partner Dr Borrill says in a letter of support the proposed facility would “future proof resources available to the practice in order to deliver the ever-expanding range of services that will be delivered within primary care”. A new GP practice would also “alleviate most if not all the restrictions and limitations of our current building” including a dedicated car park, which would cater for traffic at peak times, and increased accessibility for disabled residents.

The medical centre will be the largest single building structure, two-storeys high and within main view of Belton Road. An upgraded priority T-junction from the A161 Belton Road will provide access to the development. A modern new purpose-built garden centre will be built, replacing the existing store which has been in Epworth since 1978. The facility has been under the control of the Holmes family for more than 60 years.

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The new application has again had its share of critics as well as supporters commenting on it. One advocate comments: “I wholeheartedly support this proposal as the garden centre is in dire need of an upgrade, the doctors’ surgery also isn’t fit for purpose and it is extremely difficult to park nearby.”

“We do not want Aldi/Lidl or such in a farming community,” comments an objector, who also raises traffic concerns.

Original artice: https://www.grimsbytelegraph.co.uk/all-about/scunthorpe

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