A new Thai massage and spa shop has opened in Grimsby’s Freshney Place shopping centre, providing a wide range of unique treatments.
Thai Spa, housed in the former In The Pink Jewellery store offers a range of massages, facials and even permanent make up. Owners Chayata Broddle and Ha Quyen have worked in the beauty industry for a number of years, but recently decided to go it alone.
Decorating the entire unit themselves, including the bespoke flower wall, getting the business up and running has been a labour of love, but one they have enjoyed. For Chayata, it’s about bringing something different to Grimsby.
She said: “We felt Grimsby was missing something like this. There is obviously something similar in Cleethorpes, but I felt this would work well for people in the area. I used to work at a beauty business on Carr Lane, but decided to come and run this place after Queyn said she was looking to open it.”
Having moved from Thailand to Grimsby four years ago, Chayata and the team know exactly what they’re doing when it comes to giving customers treatments. With Queyn already owning similar businesses, the pair felt they had the perfect opportunity to bring a new successful venture to Freshney Place.

(Image: Donna Clifford/GrimsbyLive)
However, it hasn’t always been the easiest of jobs. “We spent about two months getting the place ready for opening, there is a massive difference from what it used to look like to now. We also did a lot of the work ourselves, including the flower wall which took four of us to make,” said Chayata.
She added: “The customers seem really happy with what we offer though and they’re interested to see how different we are compared to a normal nail salon or foot spa. With a Thai pedicure, you get a massage as well as a pedicure and we also use Tiger Balm imported from Thailand to give it the authentic feel.”

(Image: Donna Clifford/GrimsbyLive)
“It’s thought the balm can help reduce pain and discomfort in the body, which is something the customers seem to love.” The pair believe this new shop is exactly what Grimsby needs. With nothing similar in the town and investment coming to the shopping centre, the owners feel it can only get better.
“The dream would be for this shop to carry on being successful. People tend to shop online nowadays so they need another reason to come into places like this and we are that reason. We just want to build on the number of customers and maybe offer different treatments in the future.”