The planning application for Scunthorpe‘s proposed new police station is now publicly viewable – with room for a gym, but no custody suites.
It will be the home for 250 Humberside Police staff, though will only have a maximum of 80 staff at any one time. It is proposed as a western side extension to the enterprise and innovation hub currently being built in Scunthorpe High Street at the former market site.
The plans reveal the £13.8m police station will not have any holding cells, or a custody suite. There are also proposals to remove a one-way system on neighbouring Chapel Street.
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A new Scunthorpe police station is sought as a result of the existing Corporation Road station not matching modern day facility requirements for the police. Should it be approved, the new station will replace it.
The application, made by North Lincolnshire Council, is for a three-storey extension to the enterprise and innovation hub, on the Foundry shopping centre side of the site. “Prominent yet sensitively designed signage” will welcome the public to the visitors’ entrance, on the High Street side. A piazza space will be here, and include planting and street furniture. Police staff will access the station via Home Street.
Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner Jonathan Evison said: “The existing Scunthorpe police station has served the town well for decades but does not reflect the high standard and working environment required by a police force in the 21st Century. I’m pleased to be working with North Lincolnshire Council and Humberside Police to build this new police station which will improve the service to the public and provide better working conditions for police officers and staff.”
The station would comprise approximately 3,000 sq m of office, storage and welfare facilities, but Scunthorpe-based arrests will end up elsewhere. An application document states: “The police station will not provide a custody suite or holding cells, any Scunthorpe based arrests, will be directed to custody suites in neighbouring police stations. The new building will accommodate multipurpose spaces from an interview room, a gym, kitchen, rest rooms and mixture of open plan and individual offices.”

(Image: Local Democracy Reporter)
It will have more than 100 car park spaces, twenty cycle spaces and motorcycle spaces. More than 20 EV charging points are planned, as are solar panels and an air source heat pump.
The council wants to remove Chapel Street’s one-way system, too. This will allow emergency vehicles exiting the police station car park to turn left and right of the site. An application document states this “would significantly improve response times, particularly to areas to the west of the town centre”.
North Lincolnshire Council leader Cllr Rob Waltham said: “This has been a true partnership effort and we must remember this is not a commitment to a new building, this is a commitment to the communities of Scunthorpe. We know a physical police presence is a priority for residents and we are certain this will make a big difference to people being safe and feeling safe.
“But, as with all applications they must go through the proper process and this can be no exception. “The council hopes the new police station will help regenerate Scunthorpe High Street. The traditional model of a high street is facing challenges due to retail decline and the growth of online shopping, and the proposal aims to adapt and change, bringing new uses to it, a document states.
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The police station build’s expected cost is £13.8m, a Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner decision record from February 12 indicates. This also says the site’s sale by the council to the police is subject to a land swap deal for the existing Corporation Road, Magistrates’ Court and Shelford House. The project is part supported by £4m Towns Fund cash.
If approved, it is expected to be completed by summer 2025. The enterprise and innovation hub is expected to be completed this summer.
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