Do you want to become part of a Joint Independent Audit and Ethics Committee which will provide assurance on the adequacy of risk management, financial controls, integrity and standards of service in Humberside Police and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner?
The Police and Crime Commissioner and the Chief Constable have recently widened the scope of the previous Audit Committee to cover police ethics and integrity and wish to appoint up to 5 people to this exciting new Committee.
As members of the Committee you will assist in giving confidence to local people on financial stewardship and overall governance arrangements. You will have a good understanding of the issues facing local communities whilst being able to scrutinise integrity and ethical matters.
An application form is attached below. If you are interested in applying to become a member of this Committee please complete and return your application by 12 noon on Wednesday 10 August 2016 by email to pcc@humberside.pnn.police.uk or by post to:
Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
The Lawns
Harland Way
HU16 5SN
Interviews will be held on Tuesday 23 August 2016.
To view the work of the previous Joint Independent Audit Committee please CLICK HERE
Information for applicants:
1. Covering letter
2. Joint Independent Audit and Ethics Committee Terms of Reference
3. Person Specification
4. Terms and conditions of appointment
5. Membership, attendance and conduct of meetings
6. Application Form (MS Word document – please complete, save and email)
7. Equal Opportunity monitoring form (MS word document – please complete, save and email)
Posted on Friday 15th July 2016