A car park in the heart of Scunthorpe is getting £250,000 investment to improve its security and make it easier to pay to park.
The Parishes multi-storey car park is located off Lindum Street, close to the town’s bus station. Scunthorpe’s new £19.4m Community Diagnostics Centre is being built on part of the ground floor outdoor parking.
The £250,000 is made up of cash from the council, the Police and Crime Commissioner and the government’s Levelling Up Fund. The investment aims to improve safety at The Parishes car park, bringing peace of mind to shoppers and cinema-goers.
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“This security upgrade to one of our busiest car parks is brilliant for Scunthorpe and will be welcome news for motorists,” said Cllr John Davison, cabinet member for safer, stronger communities (urban). “Millions of pounds is being invested to create a new future for Scunthorpe town centre. We are already seeing hundreds of families enjoying the fun-packed events programme at the Queen Elizabeth Gardens, rediscovering everything the town has to offer in the process.
“At the same time, it is important we continue to invest in Scunthorpe’s facilities. The Parishes car park is the first stop for many visitors and we want to ensure it is a welcoming environment. That’s why this investment is so important.”
The cash will pay for the installation of new security barriers, cameras, and door readers. Entry and exit will be controlled by inputting vehicle registration and number plate recognition. New touch screen payment machines will be fitted too. This will enable visitors to pay by coins, cash, cards, or Apple and Android Pay.
North Lincolnshire Council continues to offer all-day free parking on Saturdays and Sundays in more than 2,000 spaces available in its Scunthorpe car parks. “It is important to keep our public assets safe for everyone to use,” said Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner Jonathan Evison. “The Parishes car park in Scunthorpe has been subjected to incidents of anti-social behaviour and criminal damage so this improvement to the security of the site will be of great benefit.
“I have provided £40,000 funding for the installation of number plate recognition access and shutters which I hope will lead to a reduction in reported incidents and a safer environment for all.”
The security upgrade is being promoted by the North Lincolnshire Community Safety Partnership (CSP), which includes the council, Humberside Police, Humberside Fire & Rescue, Ongo, and the Police and Crime Commissioner.
Disabled parking bays will be available inside the multi-storey, with extra bays added through the duration of the works. These are part of more than 100 available in town centre car parks. Blue Badge holders can park for free all day in any council car park, not just the allocated disabled bays.
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Chief Superintendent Darren Wildbore said: “One of the key objectives of the Community Safety Partnership is to ensure that North Lincolnshire is a safe place for everyone who lives, works in, or visits our area.
“This was at the forefront of our thinking when we made the bid to redevelop the multi-storey car park and we are grateful that it has been supported. The redevelopment will not only make the car park a safer environment but also assist in the prevention of crime and anti-social behaviour.”
A £19.4m community diagnostic centre (CDC) is being built at the car park site. This will provide almost 150,000 health checks a year, and offer patients tests for a range of conditions, such as cancer, heart and lung disease.
Original artice: https://www.grimsbytelegraph.co.uk/all-about/scunthorpe