SOS help points to assist people in danger or distress installed in Scunthorpe

SOS help points have been launched in Scunthorpe to help improve public safety.

People in distress or danger can connect with security at the push of a button at the help points. They also have on-street cameras.

Five CCTV re-deployable dome cameras with audio address and a two-way control panel have been installed in West Street and Frances Street. A further three cameras will go live in the New Year at the meeting point of Frodingham Road and Digby Street, and at Britannia Corner and The Parishes.

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The project is being funded by the Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner and led by North Lincolnshire Community Safety Partnership (CSP). Pushing a ‘button’ on the help point causes a response. Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner Jonathan Evison said it was a first for Humberside to have such surveillance cameras and believes they “will have a significant impact on the safety of women and girls in Scunthorpe.”

Scunthorpe’s security control centre and Humberside Police can remotely access the cameras and issue audio warnings. They can also speak to people needing help to provide support and assistance while also gathering high-quality video evidence if needed. An information video has accompanied their launch.

“The new help points are an innovative way to help protect our residents in North Lincolnshire and reduce criminal activity,” said Cllr Rob Waltham, North Lincolnshire Council leader. “If anyone feels like they are in danger or in a vulnerable situation, these help points will provide that reassurance that help is available at the touch of a button. Our security control centre, working with the police, will respond to keep people safe.

Pictured (left to right): Danny Harsley, Videcom, Jonathan Evison, Police and Crime Commissioner, Tracey Coyne, Community Safety Partnership Manager, Cllr John Davidson and Holly Mumby Croft, Scunthorpe MP at a new SOS help point.
Pictured, from left, are Danny Harsley, Videcom, Jonathan Evison, Police and Crime Commissioner, Tracey Coyne, Community Safety Partnership Manager, Cllr John Davidson and Holly Mumby Croft, Scunthorpe MP at a new SOS help point.

“No one should feel unsafe in their community, and we want to ensure people are kept safe and well when they are out and about. This project supports the Safer Nights North Lincolnshire campaign, and we are working with the night time economy to help roll it out.”

PCC Mr Evison explained how the help points work. He said: “The help point is an all-in-one SOS system that is specifically designed to reduce concerns over street crimes such as assaults, robbery, gang crimes, safeguarding vulnerable people and crimes against women and girls.

“Effectively, this technology allows anyone to make a live, video-recorded SOS call to CCTV control room staff and police staff if they find themselves feeling unsafe or vulnerable. This ensures people receive advice and support before any potential crime has been committed. Activating the help point will immediately enable operators to risk assess the scene via CCTV to secure evidence, determine what help is needed, dispatch the appropriate police response, and provide reassurance to the caller.”

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He added it was one of a number of projects the CSP and Office of the Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner were putting in place, including the Safer Nights NL campaign. This launched last month at The Baths Hall, Scunthorpe, to 140 attendees. The event included training on the use of bleed kits and information on government campaigns such as ‘Ask For Angela’, a code to indicate to staff an individual needs help.

Humberside Police chief inspector Gary Foster said the new help points system showed the commitment of the council, police and Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner to ensure people in the night-time economy and wider public felt safe. He said: “The recent launch of our Safer Nights North Lincolnshire strategy has received widespread support from licensees, and we look forward to working with them to implement the agreed measures.”

The CSP includes the council, Humberside Police, Humberside Fire and Rescue, Ongo, the National Probation Service, NHS Humber and North Yorkshire ICB and the Police and Crime Commissioner. For more information on the SOS help point scheme, visit here.

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Original artice: https://www.grimsbytelegraph.co.uk/all-about/scunthorpe

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