A spine-tingling immersive Halloween event in which Grimsby Central Hall was transformed into an asylum where the patients have taken over was so popular that it is returning for a second showing this weekend.
Featuring live music, a showing of a classic scary film and even a live demonstration in which someone’s “hand” and “scalp” is cut off, the Grimsby Central Asylum show is centred around guests – “stakeholders” of the asylum – being invited to the open day to look around.
But what visitors don’t realise is that the patients have taken over the asylum to get their revenge, reversing the roles and posing as doctors and nurses – and have even dressed up the real doctors to look like patients to allow them to be “tortured”.
The spooktacular event will take place on Saturday, November 4 from 7pm to 12.30am at Grimsby Central Hall, with tickets costing £15 each. For anyone who attended the first event and wants to come again, they are asked to bring their previous ticket to the door and their new ticket will be discounted to £10.
The mastermind behind the concept, Jamie Roberts of CineShow, told Grimsby Live: “From the moment you come in to the moment you leave, all the cast is in character, everything is all scheduled and by the time you come out, you feel like you’ve been on a bit of a journey.

(Image: CineShow)
“All the actors are local. People just get the bug. It’s a really creative space, and there’s a lot of creative freedom there to bring your imaginations, so a lot of people just love doing it. We need as many people as possible to see it, because after all the hours that people have put into it, you just want people to see it.”
Giving a sneak preview into the night, Jamie continued: “Everybody who comes is effectively an extra in this story, and you can get as involved as much as you want or not, there’s tasks that people can be given or you can just sit back and watch it all unfold.

(Image: CineShow)
“Visitors are essentially stakeholders at the asylum and they’ve been invited to the open day to see what their investment has gone into. On that day, the patients have taken over, so anybody you meet in there is a patient pretending to be a doctor.
“There’s also doctors who have been dressed up as patients to be tortured. The children’s ward has cells and there’s a contraption that makes them open on their own, with sound effects.”
The tour also features a surgery ward and maximum security wing, followed by “live amputations” in the main hall, before a screening of Halloween, a live music performance and a party.
To buy your ticket to the event on Saturday, November 4, click here.
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