Three large commercial units could be built at the back of Scunthorpe retail park – latest planning applications

Three large commercial units could be coming to the north of Gallagher Retail Park, Scunthorpe.

An initial environmental impact assessment (EIA) scoping request has been made for it, by Lindum Group Ltd. The development would comprise up to 19,000 sq m over a five hectare site.

Based on planning class uses specified, at least some of it would be used for distribution and storage. The rest could be for light industry, offices, and research and development of products or processes.

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An illustrative site plan indicates almost 200 car park spaces would be created as well as the buildings, which are all around 60,000 sq ft. Read on below about the latest planning applications in North Lincolnshire.

Land north of Gallagher Retail Park

There is allocation for five per cent office space in each building, according to the illustrative site plan. Access would be via the existing Gallagher Park Road. Lindum argue it would be in a “highly sustainable location well connected to the busy local highway network”.

Two objectors have raised traffic concerns. “Its ludicrous this is even being considered,” one objector comments, arguing the traffic is congested enough as it is.

South of the existing Gallagher Retail Park is the future site of a major leisure park. Approved in April 2021, the scheme consists of shops, restaurants, and a 120-bed hotel, with potentially 100 jobs created. So far, the leisure park has not come to fruition.

Jackson Road, Scunthorpe, where a ten-bed HMO is proposed
Jackson Road, Scunthorpe, where a ten-bed HMO is proposed

Ten-bed HMO with dozens of objections

A former grocery shop and flat in Jackson Road, Scunthorpe, is proposed to be turned into a ten-bed house in multiple occupation (HMO). It has attracted its share of criticism, though.

The two-storey property was built in 1936. The proposals would involve a two-storey extension to the west. The application states it will provide accommodation in “an area that is much sought after”. The building is in a poor condition and would benefit from modernisation and decoration, it also states.

It would have four car park spaces, and also six bicycle spaces in a reconfigured garage. Works would include soundproofing of the first floor and an upgrade of thermal elements. The plans allow for two bathrooms, one kitchen and a dining area to share between the ten bedrooms.

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It has had more than 20 residents object to it, a number that means councillors will have to decide on it in the future. “As a resident with children I fear that this change of use into a 10 bedroom HMO is going to cause distress and uproar to the community,” comments one objector. The proximity to a school is cited by a number of opponents to the HMO.

Other objectors call for it to be turned into a family home instead. One states, “If you’re gonna make a house with 10 bedrooms, then put it for the family of 11 living in a three bedroom house that lives next door to me.”

Flats in Oswald Road

A disused building in Oswald Road, Scunthorpe, already has permission to be converted into 14 bed HMO. But new proposals would see 11 self-contained flats developed instead. Four would have two bedrooms.

Last used as commercial space, the proposals here would also involve an extension. Citycare have requested on behalf of NHS North Lincolnshire Health Care Partnership S106 funding for community infrastructure.

Oswald Road, Scunthorpe, where 11 self-contained flats are proposed
Oswald Road, Scunthorpe, where 11 self-contained flats are proposed

Their justification is that existing surgeries, including Oswald Road, Cedar, and The Oak Tree, are “already under pressure due to limitations with space”. Any new housing is likely to place further strain. Citycare have requested £9,500 in S106 contributions to support local healthcare by potentially paying for increased surgery and other community space.

Original artice: https://www.grimsbytelegraph.co.uk/all-about/scunthorpe

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