• Rob Bray
    Wednesday, 12:00 - 14:00
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Happy Hogs Rescue

Sophie Hanks runs the “Happy Hogs Rescue” – A centre for injured and rescued hedgehogs.

 Sophie is at present running the venture from her front room.

She requires both financial help, and donations of food and bedding for her prickly guests.

 T o find out more about Sophie’s Hedgehog Rescue you can visit her Facebook page at:


Humberside Police officer numbers are the highest in a decade

2021 Other pages in 2021 Latest staff data published this week shows officer numbers in Humberside Police have returned to the level they were at in 2010 with 2,075 police officers, and police staff numbers are also increasing again. In 2016 officer numbers were the lowest in the force’s history at around 1,500. Joint work by Police and Crime Commissioner Keith Hunter and Chief Constable Lee Freeman has resulted in over 500 new officers since 2016, with the recent Government uplift of 90 officers that means the force has seen around a 30% increase in police officers in the last four years.  View the latest information HERE or see the table below

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Event to Launch ‘No More Knives’ Animation

A Zoom event will take place on Wednesday 10th February to launch a new animated film for young people, teachers, parents and carers. The No More Knives story, written by award-winning author and Honorary Member of the NSPCC Council, Christina Gabbitas and illustrated by Evie Hurst, was produced as part of a programme of work by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) for Humberside, to help educate children aged 10 and over on the dangers of getting involved with county lines drug networks and carrying knives. In 2018, the OPCC secured funding from the Home Office for the Humberside Early Intervention Programme (HEIP). Building upon this work, and to give further traction to the messages being delivered through the resource, the No More Knives story will now be launched as an animation, supporting the work of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s ‘Not In Our Community’ campaign, which aims to raise awareness of grooming and child exploitation across our communities. Author Christina Gabbitas said, “I spent many months researching the subject, including speaking to various members of police personnel and a former gang member who was involved in knife crime. The story is about a group of friends who are groomed into county lines drug dealing, who also discover the dangers of carrying knives. It is a story of choices and consequences. I firmly believe that early education and intervention are key to crime prevention.  I hope that the resource will be used far and wide.” The story has also received accolades from other regions, including the Thames Valley Violence Reduction Unit. PC Russ Massie said “The No More Knives story by Christina accurately portrays the dangers of exploitation facing young people today. We fully endorse this excellent resource for young people to recognise risks and potential consequences as well as signposting to organisations who will help them.” Local digital design team, INIT Creative, have animated the story from Christina’s comic-strip-style book into an animation feature, with the voiceovers produced by Christina in collaboration with The Warren Youth Project in Hull. The music for the animation was written and produced by local record company Beats Bus Records, and the full County Lines music track will be released soon. The animation will be launched at a free online public event on Wednesday 10 February at 18:30. The event will be hosted on Zoom and can be entered by using the link below. The screening of the animation will follow introductions from Police and Crime Commissioner Keith Hunter and the author Christina Gabbitas, a Q&A session will be held after the animation. The animation will be available on YouTube, on the No More Knife Crime website and will soon be available through the Not In Our Community website, with accompanying session plans to support learning whether at home or in the classroom. Police and Crime Commissioner Keith Hunter said, “It is vitally important for us to invest in the future of our young people, who may be at risk of being diverted into crime or at danger of being exploited. Not In Our Community is about education and helping young people protect themselves and friends against grooming that can lead to sexual and criminal exploitation, but it is also about awareness and communication; helping communities to understand the issues so they recognise and report exploitation if they see it, or even suspect it. “We are proud to work with Christina Gabbitas to engage with young people. The No More Knives story is a brilliant way of educating children and young people on the dangers of being exploited and is a valuable addition to the Not In Our Community campaign and resources.” Zoom Event Details Wednesday 10th February 2021 at 6:30pm Join Zoom Meeting Posted on Tuesday 2nd February 2021

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Our Delivery Plan 2020/21

Our Work Other pages in Our Work The Humberside OPCC Delivery Plan 2023-24 Welcome to the OPCC Delivery Plan for 2023/24. This document is the annual summary document for how the OPCC team work effectively towards achieving the aims of the Police and Crime Plan which was published in October 2021 setting out Police and Crime Commissioner Jonathan Evison’s vision for his term of office. This Delivery Plan sets out the intended work programme for the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for the next twelve months. To view the OPCC Delivery Plan click the image below  

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Drone Capability Partnership Launched

An added capability to help Humberside Police tackle crime from the skies working in conjunction with Humberside Fire and Rescue Service has been launched today Monday 2 September.  The DJI Matrice 210 and a DJI Mavic 2 Enterprise dual drones which have already been in use by the Fire Service will now be shared by both emergency services to assist with investigations when required. It’s a collaboration which will make sure that a drone is available around the clock for both services.  The high tech equipment will be held and operated by HFRS, but will be deployable whenever needed to help with our investigations. The software and hardware have been jointly funded by Humberside Police and Humberside Fire and Rescue Service. With high definition cameras and thermal imaging, the drones are able to play back footage to the pilot and camera operator in real time. They also have a Mavic high intensity spotlight and a speaker which allows communication from the air with teams on the ground. The drones can go up in nearly all but the most extreme of weather conditions. The final accreditation of the drone pilots will take place on Wednesday 18 September, after which point the drones will be available for the force.  Chief Superintendent Christine Wilson, Head of Humberside Police’s Special Operations Unit, said: “Aerial capabilities are now regularly used in policing operations, and these drones will supplement the support we get from NPAS (National Police Air Service) both in terms of the helicopter and the imminent deployment of fixed wing aircraft.  “We are really excited at being able to complement our capability for all manner of spontaneous incidents such as searching for both missing and wanted people, assisting with rural crime investigations and supporting our firearms officers. I am delighted that we can build on the excellent relationship we have with HFRS to develop this capability to serve our communities.” Liam Plunkett, Group Manager at Humberside Fire and Rescue Service said: “The drones will serve both Humberside Police and Humberside Fire and Rescue Service in helping to keep our communities a safer place to live and work.  “In particular, the drones will help to assist in urgent incidents such as mud and water rescues or missing people, spontaneous incidents, helping with fire investigations, or to assist with police requirements.  “Ultimately the capabilities of the acquired drones will help to gather information to assist in our routine operations.” Police and Crime Commissioner Keith Hunter said: “I’m pleased to see this collaboration between Humberside Police and our partners at the Fire and Rescue Service.  “The drone capability will add an extra tool for investigative work, and the technology is state of the art.  “Working alongside HFRS on this venture will benefit both services and the public, and is part of a wider piece of work including looking at sharing buildings and the existing excellent joint fleet service.” Posted on Monday 2nd September 2019

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Humberside Police moved out of engagement with HMIC

Statement from PCC Keith Hunter “In October 2015 Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) placed Humberside Police into engagement following a review of the force’s efficiency in which they were graded ‘inadequate’, highlighting a number of deficiencies.  “Since that time, Humberside Police has been subjected to extra scrutiny from HMIC, who have monitored the force to track improvements.    “Today (Thursday 24th May) Chief Constable Freeman and I met with HMIC and I am delighted to report that the Inspectorate has come to the conclusion that the force has not only made progress but has in place the right management and plans to take them forward and make further improvements.  “Consequently Humberside Police has now been moved out of engagement by HMIC and is now under the normal inspection routine which all forces are subjected to.  “This decision is testimony to the hard work undertaken by the Chief Constable and his management team, who have been in place for a relatively short period of time, and all the officers and staff of Humberside Police. As the public’s representative on policing I have witnessed the changes and improvements made under the new leadership and I am confident that the force is heading in the right direction and the public can be reassured that that the service they receive from the police will continue to improve.”    Chief Constable Lee Freeman said: “We are, of course, very pleased with this news today. I think that the decision of HMIC reflects the efforts of our officers and support staff who have been working hard, along with senior leaders, to make sure that improvements are made. Our recent staff survey also shows an increase in morale, which demonstrates the appetite from our people to do a good job. “There is more to do and we will keep the momentum going as we continue to make even more improvements and deliver a service that the people in our communities deserve.” Posted on Thursday 24th May 2018

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New Community Alert System Launched

PCC Keith Hunter with some of the team at the launch of My Community Alert Have you ever seen a police car pass by only to discover the road ahead is closed? Or heard a rumour about a run of crime on your street and wished you had known about it sooner?  Humberside Police has today launched a new community alert system to enable residents, businesses and community groups to participate in an exchange of information about what is happening in their local area.The new system, called My Community Alert, allows residents to register to receive real time messages about incidents happening in their neighbourhood that may affect them or their family.Residents can choose how they would like to receive messages – by text, voicemail or email – how often they would like to receive them and about the issues that matter to them, from collisions and road closures to missing people. Scott Young, Assistant Chief Constable, Humberside Police said: “We know how crucial information and hyper-local intelligence received from members of the public can be in preventing and detecting crime and anti-social behaviour. “The introduction of My Community Alert, alongside our existing social media, will further improve our engagement with the public. “As part of our trial of the system we’ve seen some really positive results. A message was sent out about vehicle crime and within five minutes a local resident rang to say that he had CCTV footage that may be of help, which he brought straight into the station. “The introduction of My Community Alert is an important step forward for us in working with communities to empower them and enlisting their support to work with us to tackle crime. “We’re asking residents to get on board by signing up to My Community Alert so that together we can work to create safer, stronger communities.”The project has been funded by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner and is currently used by a number of other Police Forces across the country which have seen positive results. Keith Hunter, Police and Crime Commissioner for Humberside, said: “I’m very pleased to be able to fund My Community Alert which will give residents a fast and easy way to keep up to date with crime and safety information where they live. “One of the aims of my Police and Crime Plan for the area is to improve communication between the police and the communities they serve. My Community Alert will bring neighbourhood officers closer to their residents and give communities more power in highlighting the issues that matter to them.” Humberside Police officers has been raising awareness of the scheme out in communities to encourage residents, businesses and groups to sign up to the alerts. For more information or to sign up to start receiving alerts visit www.mycommunityalert.co.uk Posted on Friday 16th March 2018

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Vacancies – Engagement Officers

Vacancies – Engagement Officers for the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Humberside Salary: SO1 – MP7, £27,519 to £35,451 depending on skills and experience Based at various locations across Humberside The Communities and Engagement function ensures effective engagement with local partners and stakeholders within the wider Criminal Justice environment. This new team will be responsible for developing and maintaining effective partnerships with the public including consultation and co-ordinating external communications. You would join the team at an exciting time and will act as a local point of contact for public and partners requiring support from the OPCC, and in order to do this you will need experience of developing excellent operational and strategic partnerships, have knowledge of the policy and strategies that would affect the work of the OPCC and a high level of communication skills. This role will be part of a new team of four posts each responsible for supporting one of the local authority areas within Humberside. You should indicate your preference within your application. The post holder will be required to travel within the Humberside area and also work out of the main OPCC office based at The Lawns, Cottingham, East Yorkshire. If you are interested in this challenging and exciting role, you can get further information by contacting Rachel Cook: rachel.cook@humberside.pnn.police.uk To apply for this vacancy please submit your CV and a covering letter indicating how you meet the requirements of the role profile to hrsharedservices@southyorks.pnn.police.uk You should also complete the Monitoring Questionnaire and submit with your application. The closing date for this vacancy is Friday 3rd March. *This vacancy has now closed*  Job Description Monitoring Form (MS Word Document) Posted on Wednesday 15th February 2017

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Recruitment of Joint Independent Audit and Ethics Committee

Do you want to become part of a Joint Independent Audit and Ethics Committee which will provide assurance on the adequacy of risk management, financial controls, integrity and standards of service in Humberside Police and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner? The Police and Crime Commissioner and the Chief Constable have recently widened the scope of the previous Audit Committee to cover police ethics and integrity and wish to appoint up to 5 people to this exciting new Committee.  As members of the Committee you will assist in giving confidence to local people on financial stewardship and overall governance arrangements.  You will have a good understanding of the issues facing local communities whilst being able to scrutinise integrity and ethical matters. An application form is attached below.  If you are interested in applying to become a member of this Committee please complete and return your application by 12 noon on Wednesday 10 August 2016 by email to pcc@humberside.pnn.police.uk or by post to: Office of the Police and Crime CommissionerThe Lawns Harland WayCottingham HU16  5SN Interviews will be held on Tuesday 23 August 2016. To view the work of the previous Joint Independent Audit Committee please CLICK HERE Information for applicants: 1. Covering letter 2. Joint Independent Audit and Ethics Committee Terms of Reference 3. Person Specification 4. Terms and conditions of appointment 5. Membership, attendance and conduct of meetings 6. Application Form (MS Word document – please complete, save and email) 7. Equal Opportunity monitoring form (MS word document – please complete, save and email) Posted on Friday 15th July 2016

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Commissioner opens new Centre of Excellence

On Thursday 23rd June Police and Crime Commissioner Keith Hunter attended his first public engagement since taking office, and quite fittingly it took him back to his early days in policing. Keith was invited to open the new Airco Centre of Excellence on Goulton Street in Hull which by coincidence was the area where he first walked the beat as a young police recruit in 1981.    Airco, a Hull-based business specialising in air conditioning, refrigeration and renewables were formed 25 years ago by current MD Neil Fisher as a sole trader in a van, and now employ over 80 people with offices nationwide. They have an excellent track record in apprenticeships and the new state-of-the-art Centre of Excellence will offer young people a range of training and apprenticeship options to help them find a career in industry. Keith said: “It was an honour to be asked to open the centre. I arrived in Hull 35 years ago as a young man with two suitcases and my first job as a rookie PC was to walk the Hessle Road beat. My career led me on to become Divisional Commander for the City and today I’m returning to my old patch as Police and Crime Commissioner. Neil Fisher’s life has followed a similar path and after starting out on his own, his company is now a major employer in the area and he is putting something back into the community by helping young people leaving school to get a positive start in their working lives.” For more information on Airco’s Centre of Excellence visit www.airco.co.uk or www.logonmoveon.co.uk/ProviderDetails.asp?provider=995         Posted on Monday 27th June 2016

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