Grimsby Fish Sheds regeneration proposals could create 1,000 jobs

The former fish sheds at Grimsby Docks could be demolished to make way for a major new regeneration scheme while also creating more than 1,000 jobs.

London property firm FD1900 Ltd has submitted a full planning application to North East Lincolnshire Council to redevelop the south Fish Dock and adjacent land in moves it says aim to act as a catalyst for wider regeneration in the area. The Grimsby Fish Sheds project would see the demolition of existing buildings, leaving space for the construction of eight standalone buildings offering commercial, community and industrial space, a floating lido, new public realm and 210-space car park.

The new buildings would offer a mix of office, general industrial, light industrial, food and drink, and community space, alongside a new multi-storey car park. Images have been submitted as part of the application, showing how the proposals will look.

Wider public realm proposals including a new boardwalk, pier and reed bed garden, and a separate application on landscape is set to be made, describing the wider vision encompassing the Ice Factory and hotel sites. The site – designated under NELC Planning Policy as both an Employment Area and Enterprise Zone – includes the dilapidated former fish sheds, Henderson’s Jetty, and areas of hardstanding and pontoons surrounding the southern part of Dock No 2, spanning 5.1 hectares around the Grimsby Dock Area.

The application has been compiled by a large team, including Cundall, Jon Lowe Heritage, OFR, Waterman, ig9, Urban Green, Vectos and Waugh Thistleton Architects, and comes three months after the approval of applications within Grimsby Dock for the construction of a five-storey, 161-bed hotel and the restoration, extension and alteration of the Grade II star listed Ice Factory into a new scheme offering office, food and drink, conference, events and leisure space.

Waugh Thistleton Architects has created CGIs to show how the Grimsby scheme will look
Waugh Thistleton Architects has created CGIs to show how the Grimsby scheme will look

A statement sent in by planning consultancy DP9 says: “The proposed development will continue the momentum of the regeneration of the Grimsby Dock area, complimenting the recently approved application which secures the long-term future of the Grade II star listed ice factory, and the hotel. The construction of new commercial, community and general industrial space will enable the wider development of the docklands, which are currently largely vacant and underutilised.

“The proposed development would support continued enjoyment and appreciation of the heritage assets in the vicinity and beneficially introduce activity and public accessibility to the dock and water.

“The proposed development is an employment generating use which will create a substantial number of jobs for local residents (over 1,000 jobs), over both the construction and operational phases of the development, improving employment opportunities for local residents within Grimsby and further afield.

“The proposed development, together with the consented proposals for the Ice Factory and hotel would stimulate interest and activity that could have a wider beneficial effect on the heritage interests and townscape quality of this part of Grimsby.”

Original artice – https://business-live.co.uk/all-about/yorkshire-humber

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